Gradient Overlay in Photoshop

Gradient Overlay in Photoshop is one of the Layer style attribute. Gradient Overlay is used to apply gradient to the text layer.

Gradient Example in Photoshop

Let’s open the photoshop file with Text Layer as shown below. We will apply Gradient on Text layer and will see the effect of Inner gradient on Text layer.

Gradient Overlay Example in Photoshop.PNG

To apply Gradient Overlay, right click on the text layer and select Blending Options. Then select Gradient Overlay in the Layer Style window as shown below.

Gradient Overlay in Layer Style window.PNG

Gradient color that appear here is combination of Foreground & Background color (i.e. brown and white here) as well as combination of Red, Green, Blue(RGB).

Gradient color settings.PNG

Below is the output of Gradient Overlay with below settings:

Gradient Overlay settings.PNG Effect of Gradient Overlay in Photoshop.PNG

Select the Gradient Overlay as in below settings:

Gradient Overlay settings 2.PNG

We have selected the gradient icon for below output.

Effect of Gradient Overlay in Photoshop 2.PNG

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