Photoshop effect – Put the Face in Frames

Let’s open an image in Photoshop application. Also, set the Background layer as white layer.

Clipping mask example 1

Hide image layer and select the background layer. Then select Rectangular shape tool and draw a shape.

Rectangular shape

We get the rectangular shape as shown below.

See Rectangular shape

Now right click on the main image and create clipping mask.

Create Clipping mask Create Clipping mask 1

Now press Ctrl + T on the rectangular shape to reposition it.

Reposition Rectangular shape

Give some Drop shadow and Outer Glow on the frame by setting Layer style. To set Layer style, right click on the frame layer and select Blending options.

Layer style on shape

Now duplicate girl’s image and frame image.

Duplicate shape 2

Select the Frame copy and then transform it. To transform press Ctrl + T.

Move the shape 2

Press Enter to accept the changes. Again, duplicate Frame and girl’s image.

Duplicate shape 3

Repeat the process until we get the below result.

Clipping Mask output:

Clipping mask output in Photoshop

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